Request Song ( 0 - 30 seconds): 1 point
Request Song ( 30 seconds - 2 minutes): 1.5 points
Request Song ( 2 - 3 minutes): 2 points
Request Song ( 3 - 5 minutes): 2.5 points
Request Song ( 5 - 7 minutes): 3 points
Request Song ( 7 - 10 minutes): 3.5 points
Request Song ( 10 - 15 Minutes): 4.5 points
Request Song ( 15 - 20 Minutes): 5.5 points
Request Song ( 20 - 25 Minutes): 6.5 points
Request Song ( 25 - 30 Minutes): 8 points
Request Song ( 30 - 45 Minutes): 10 points
Request Song ( 45 minutes or over): 12 points
Rate a song: +0.1 points
Change a rating: 0 points
Remove a rating: -0.1 points
5 points per every $1.00 donated
Gift Shop / Apparel purchases: |
2 points per every $1.00 spent
Staff Approved (in daily rotation): 10 points
Submitting a post: 1 point
Contest Entry Submission: 5 points
First Place: additional 5 points
UAB Track Information/Corrections: |
An arbitrary point value will be provided to those UAB Passengers that help us organize and correct any missing information provided through the UAB console such as composers, dates, typos etc. Keep in mind that while this information may be already known to the UAB Admin team, we do appreciate your help bringing it to our attention due to the increasing difficulty of keeping up with the number of additions to the UAB track list. Please send all corrections to the UAB Admin Team.
Note: Abuse of any of the above (Forum activity emphasized) will result in the subtraction of any acquired point values and may be followed with disciplinary action by UAB Administration.